12/17/2017 Today we continued to work on our research paper and started to brain storm what the poster would look like. It was a nice day to reflect on the data that we collected and how to interrupt the results. Personally, I feel that specifically that is the most difficult task when conducting scientific research. I don’t believe that strict knowledge in the field or even strict knowledge in the lab is beneficial, I believe a great researcher is well rounded in both areas. In regards to mentorship, I really enjoyed working with my crew and helping my partner put together our project. 12/18/2017 As crunch time is coming closer, we continued to grind on our paper. We originally planned on going out and spending time in town today, but instead we all watched a movie together (Movie Night)!! It was nice to get to take time away from being in the rainforest and settle down with the crew! I see a lot of good things coming out the crew and their particular research projects....
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12/15/2017 Today started out great because I slept great for the first time since I have been in Costa Rica-most likely due to the bus ride yesterday! (The seats were extremely uncomfortable-not to take away from the amazing time learning about an indigenous community in CR). Anyways today started with checking out a fer-de-lance snake that was captured last night in camp, that apparently many of us walked right on by. We then determined that we set up our weather meters incorrectly and set out to fix the settings so that the instruments took accurate readings. We will check them again in a couple days. Highlight: we got to see a crazy millipede and continue to check out the rainforest. Attached are todays photos. Enjoy!! Ps-im getting sick! ;[
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