
Showing posts from December, 2017
12/17/2017 Today we continued to work on our research paper and started to brain storm what the poster would look like. It was a nice day to reflect on the data that we collected and how to interrupt the results. Personally, I feel that specifically that is the most difficult task when conducting scientific research. I don’t believe that strict knowledge in the field or even strict knowledge in the lab is beneficial, I believe a great researcher is well rounded in both areas. In regards to mentorship, I really enjoyed working with my crew and helping my partner put together our project. 12/18/2017 As crunch time is coming closer, we continued to grind on our paper. We originally planned on going out and spending time in town today, but instead we all watched a movie together (Movie Night)!! It was nice to get to take time away from being in the rainforest and settle down with the crew! I see a lot of good things coming out the crew and their particular research projects....
12/16/2017 Today we went to work on our paper and poster as well as battled through ImageJ- in which I determined ImageJ is very tedious, however it gave us awesome results that supported our hypothesis. Project title:  Comparing Microclimates and Coverage by Foliar Diseases and Epiphytes that Affect Photosynthesis in a Secondary Forest Elevational Gradient in Costa Rica Hypothesis: As one goes further down the elevational gradient the humidity will increase, contributing to an increase in coverage by foliar diseases. We also ended the night by saying our good-byes to the panama colleagues and engaged in a cultural exchange thourhg cultural dances, (i.e round dance, owl dance, chicken dance)  Interesting enough, we had very similar dances, but named them differently. They showed us their 'Drunk' dance and I must say that was by far my favorite! bahahhaha Enjoy some photos! Pura Vida!  ...